
Liceul Teoretic "Mircea Eliade", Intorsura Buzaului, Romania
"Mircea Eliade" Theoretical High School has a rich organisational culture with an emphasis on values such as team work, mutual respect, enthusiasm and determination. There is an open, dynamic engaging climate with supportive relationships working for a common purpose.
We are 33 teachers, 11 administrative staff, and 356 students working towards raising Romanian education to a European level.
Specializations: mathematics-informatics (intensive Informatics), social studies, philology, natural sciences (intensive English)
It is a relatively new institution dating back to 1968, going through different transformations (from an industrial high school, a scholar group and then a theoretical high school) in different periods depending on the historical events in our country or town. The modern high school building was inaugurated in 2014, a moment of recollection and gratitude for the past and present evolution of a community.
We promote self-motivation, cooperation, team work, integration, tolerance and participatory management, a network-type culture which supports personal and professional development of all people. A major objective of our institution is the European dimension in education mirrored in all 5 strategic targets:
- increasing the quality of our educational services and providing student access to them through active measures of optimisation of the educational process. Modern functional building at European standards: 19 classrooms, 6 laboratories: chemistry, physics, biology, informatics (2), Festivity Hall, Center of Documentation and Information: study room, book deposit, office, access corridor, Sports Hall, Teacher Room, Parent and Student Counselling Room, Psychological Cabinet, Medical Cabinet, Archive Room, Elevator, other offices, school yard, food shop, etc.
- Creating an open, cooperative climate for everyone (students, teachers, parents, staff, community members) by increasing motivation and active involvement. (debate club, Radio station, camp organising, scientific and cultural events, fairs, trips, book reviews, international, national, regional or local projects). We create school-family partnerships by including parents in activities and decisions taken at a school level.
- Developing both curricular and extracurricular activities by participating in educational programmes and projects at an international and national level: partnerships with institutions and organisations (Police, other schools, Theatre Institutions, Libraries, Universities, Churches, Banks, NGOs). Some of our partners along the time are: The Academy of Central European Schools (aces), through ERSTE Foundation, Austria, coordonated by Interkulturelles Zentrum (Viena), în cooperare cu Nadacia Slovenskej sporitel'ne; Gazi Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Isparta, Turkey, Gimnazia Hristo Botev, Popovo, Bulgaria, Stredna odborna skola polnohospodarstva a sluzieb na vidieku, Kosice, Slovakia, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 3 w Katowicach, Katowice, Poland, Centre Educatiu Balaguer, L'Hospitalet, Junior Achievement Romania, Ungt Entreprenørskap Sogn og Fjordane, Romontana Association, The Duke of Edinburgh AWARD programme, "Curbura Carpaților" Association, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Transilvania University, Brasov.
- Providing optimum study and safety conditions necessary for a quality education by using efficiently the material and financial resources and by extending the material base and attracting extra-budgetary funds.
- Developing bilateral relationships with the local community by involving local organizations and institutions in activities organized by our school such as volunteering.
Our pride is
in the successes of our students. They represent us in local, regional and national
competitions. In recent years over 97.5 % of our students pass the Baccalaureate
exam and more than 75% of them go to university.
We are a team of teachers who want to make a difference. We love working as a team because we share a common purpose: to evolve and to help our students, community, and environment evolve positively, to leave Earth a better place for future generations. We understand that only together we can have a positive, long-lasting impact on people and our surroundings. We possess both soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, leadership, positive attitude, teamwork, and work ethic; and hard skills such as technical skills, computer skills, management skills, and graphic design.